Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Session 9

I really the list of projects. In the past, I've needed to go through a notebook or file folder (tangeable) to find what I needed. This is so much more convenient.

Ahhhhh!!, Power Point!! Here is something I have a bit more foundation in. It was fun to add the animation to the slides. I felt proud of what I had accomplished.

Session 8

I find the Citation Maker for elementary students to be a helpful tool for some of my students. I think that a couple in my room would find it to be like playing a puzzle.

The self-eval. rubric would be a very helpful tool makes a real clear cut expectation.

I have never seen Power Point used for note-taking. This is a great deal more basic than I expected. I think I could really do this.

Session 10

The work was very interesting. This is completely new to me.I can see where this could be a tremendous time saver. It will be fun to find new "tried and true" sites. I can see that the more specific the tags are, the more time saving this will be.

Thank you for your assistance trying to retrieve my Assignment Planner.