Monday, March 5, 2007

Session 2

This has been a very informational and practical session.

I am more comfortable with just the term "blog". I learned that once you publish a blog you cannot edit it unless you go back to the beginning.

Also, it was great to put the "essential question", learnings to this "Big6" format. Many years ago there was a great deal of teaching available through D. Pickering, B.
Marzano, and Jay McTighe on essential question writing. It is great to see the integration does continue in new formats!

I found more on the I.T. website than in my initial attempts.

Throughout this session I have had three little people specifically in mind. These students are very advanced and I see much that I can lead them to work on.


Libby said...
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skoelker said...

I like the fact that the work on real fundatmentals for effective teaching, such as essential questions, continues as you note, Nancy. I really hate the fact that much of what we do as teachers becomes old soon and is discarded. If it's disposable, was it ever really good??

I hope the class keeps working well for you and for those 3 kids...:)


Mrs. Burns said...

It's great that you have 3 students in mind, Nancy, as that will make your work in class seem very applicable.
Thanks for your enthusiasm in class. I love thinking that some of our littlest students will be exposed to our process.